Day 6 of 15 day Reboot

Let me first start off by admitting that I cheated…I had some mini pretzels at work.  Its so hard not to feel yourself eating SOMETHING. So yeah, I cheated.  Ok i feel better.  I didn’t post yesterday because I completely passed out.  I was exhausted.

Yesterday I was given a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.  Yes, a box.  I put it under my desk.  All day at work it drove me crazy..the smell…And all it would have taken was one bite..but I didn’t do it, I didn’t cave in.  Let me tell you how HARD that was, especially since I can usually down 2-3 in one sitting.  Today, I walked by the box in my home…and I stopped, and I reached in, and I grabbed one, and I brought it to my lips.  Then I remembered that i’ve been doing this for 7 days, way to long to give up now.  So I put the donut down and walked away.  But I came back around, and once again grabbed the damn donut..and I put it down.  I was so proud of myself in that moment, because I didn’t cave, I didn’t give in, I didn’t eat it.  I really wanted to though.

I am at the halfway point, so i’m going to see how it goes.  Sunday is going to be especially hard because it’s Memorial Day and we are having a bbque at my parent’s house.  I already agreed that I would maybe eat 1 or 2 grilled shrimps. How bad can that be?  

Some people have told me that I look like i’ve lost weight.  I’ll take any compliment at this moment, because all I want to do it go back to my life.


Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 155.4

Goal weight: 130

Day 5 of 15 day Reboot

Today I wanted to quit…..

Today was my hardest day, and not because of the side effects (which ive had basically none by the way) but because it seems that our lives revolve around food and its so hard to quiet the cravings.  I kept asking myself “why am I doing this?” Why am i giving up all of my comfort foods, why am I giving up the things that I enjoy to eat, why am I giving up food?  Mind you, I am the kind of girl that has no problem eating a salad or a hamburger or a few slices of pizza.  I love to go out to eat once a week with my coworkers and enjoy my lunch.  I enjoy being able to eat some Cheezits or some pretzels, or how about my Special K cereal?

Today I wanted to quit…today took a lot of reminding myself that I am doing this to change the way I eat, lose weight, and just get healthier.  But today I wanted to quit.   I went shopping for my days 6-10 juices, and it wasn’t cheap…another reason I want to quit.  I went shopping and the store smelled of freshly baked cookies, literally, the ENTIRE FREAKIN STORE!  That didn’t make my shopping experience any easier.

So again, I am sitting here asking myself WHY and looking for some kind of sign that this is worth it.  Am I the only juicer who is experiencing these feelings???

Today I wanted to quit….BUT I DIDN’T!

Day 4 of 15 day Reboot

Day 4 I officially hate you!  Today was officially the last day, following Joe’s 15 day reboot program (link below), which I had an actual meal.  Mind you, this meal was simply salad with olive oil and vinegar.  I normally don’t mind eating salads…but today for some reason, my salad totally sucked!  I actually looked forward to the juice more than the meal.

Today, I was hungry.  And by hungry I mean I wanted to eat everything I could think of: pizza, pasta, ice cream, hamburger, chicken, rice, beans, soda!  But I stuck to the plan.  However, when I got home and started preparing dinner for the fam, I CAVED!!!  Yes, I gave in to the hunger and made myself a small tortilla with chicken…and then the weirdest thing happened…I FELT SUPER GUILTY.  I also didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought and after two bites, tossed it.  My body was craving a juice instead of the chicken tortilla.  Yeah I know, it’s crazy.  I finished the day with my soup and my tea and prepared my meals for tomorrow…soups and juices.  So I am officially ready to start the next 10 days of my reboot and looking forward to it.

Im trying to figure out how to incorporate a workout into my daily routine, but honestly, by the time I finish my day, it’s about 930 or 10 at night and the last thing my mind is thinking about is working out, much less my body.  So thats something I will definitely have to work on in the upcoming days.  I also have to go shopping tomorrow for the next 5 days and the list isnt too bad this time.

Wish me luck! Stay tuned for more updates…


Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 157.8

Goal weight: 130


Plan here:

Day 3 of 15 day Reboot

Today started off as any other day…i had my morning hot water with lemon.  I wasn’t too happy with the Shamrock Smoothie…it was too tart for me.  The Green lemonade juice didn’t help either.  I made the Squash & Apple soup after breakfast to have it ready for lunch, but that didnt work out that well.  I kept trying to blend piping hot soup and my Ninja wasn’t too happy.  So i had to just let it cool down. I swapped the dinner menu of roasted acorn squash, and then had the soup for dinner.  Soup wasn’t too bad.  Much better than the Green Detox Soup thats on the menu tomorrow!

We had friends and my parents over for a bbq….Burgers, chicken, chips, beer….I couldnt have any of it and boy was I so ready to throw in the towel and just swallow a burger whole, without even chewing..following that with a half bag of Doritos and finishing it off with a nice cold Corona…BUT I DIDN’T…And it was hard, I am not going to lie.  What possessed me to start this reboot over a weekend was insane, i basically threw myself into the lions mouth of temptation.  But it was also a super duper test to my will power and determination.  I survived Day 3!!!

This has not been easy, it takes will power, it takes strength, and it just takes everything you have to toe the line.  Let’s see how I feel tomorrow.  Today I was just hungrier than usual, but that’s probably because of all the food in my freaking face!!

Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 158.4

Goal weight: 130

Day 2 of 15 day Reboot

So I survived Day 2, but it feels like its been a year!  Let me start off by telling you about today’s meals…The Raw Carrot Ginger soup was definitely not one of my favorites.  I could actually do without it!  I had the Kale avocado salad for lunch and this time I put a little more than 1 tbsp of the dressing.  It helped to get it down!  For dinner, the Roasted Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, garlic, and onions was delish!!  That is definitely a meal I would love to have more often.  The Green Detox soup wasn’t so bad either.

Today I took my daughter to her friends house to get into the pool.  I picked up McDonald’s on the way, and the smell of fries drove me nuts.  I couldve just had one, just one, and been the happiest person alive.  But I didn’t…I kept my resolve.  Then at her friends house, her mom brought out a cake..chocolate pecan swirl or something like that.  Wow, that was hard again!  I love cake, I love sweets, and I wanted a piece of that cake.  When i went to toss my daughters plate, it took all my will power not to lick the remaining frosting and crumbs. This is hard…

I have 13 more days to go and am looking for all the strength and resolve I have inside of me to make it.  I know this will change my life, I know that I will lose the weight…but damn what i wouldn’t give for a big ass plate of rice and beans with any  style of meat I about a nice steak, or oxtail, or ropa vieja, or chicken!!

Going to bed now and off to dream about food yet again…yes last night my dreams were of me eating.  Even my dreams are haunting me!!

Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 158.6

Goal weight: 130

Day 1 of 15 day Reboot

I am following Joe’s reboot to the T.  I must say that I was not crazy about the nutmeg in my morning Berry Apple Cinnamon bake…Will leave that out next time.  It’s been so hard to not snack on things in between.  I had to put away my daughter’s oreo cookies and it took so much will power not to eat at least 4 of them!!  Oreo’s are my pitfall, but just because i’m on this reboot doesn’t mean she has to be as well.  So yeah, will power is definitely being tested today.

I couldn’t bring myself to finish the Kale salad that was for dinner…the dressing was super good, but when you’re only allowed 1 tbsp to cover what seems like an acre of greens, its just as if you never had any dressing in the first place.  So yeah, I didn’t finish my salad.

Today was especially tough because we had company over and of course, they brought food. And it smelled so delicious, and it was so tempting not to try some of this or that.  But I kept strong and I made it.

So I am off to sleep looking forward to tomorrow.  Let’s see  how that goes.

Starting weight: 158.9 lbs

Goal weight: 130 lbs

Grocery Shopping for 15 day Reboot

OK so today I went grocery shopping to get prepared for the first 5 days of my reboot…I must day that DAMN I have never purchased so many vegetables/fruits at once.  I think the amount of stuff I had to buy today is equivalent to a whole years worth of fruits/vegetables.. OK, maybe half a years worth but still!

Grand total for today’s shopping spree: $105.94!!

I didn’t buy everything organic and I shopped at BJs (like costco) for a lot of the stuff.  Then I hiked it over to Publix for the remainder.  My homework for the 10 days following these initial 5 is to find these items much much cheaper. Thinking about heading out to the local flea market where they sell produce.

Needless to say, I am super duper excited.  I ordered a new Breville juicer and it arrived today, so i’m dying to get home to my new package.

I started this week drinking 1 juice per day for breakfast just to get used to the sensation.  I must say that the juices are not that bad.  I really think that i’m going to love this juicing journey and can only hope that it is something I adopt for the rest of my life.  I haven’t had my daily coffee at all this week yet surprisingly, I’ve done just fine.  I got small headaches here and there.

Official measurements/weight will be posted with my Day 1 blog.  Stay tuned for all the ups, downs, and possible profanity that may come about from my juicing journey!!

Happy juicing!!
