Day 6 of 15 day Reboot

Let me first start off by admitting that I cheated…I had some mini pretzels at work.  Its so hard not to feel yourself eating SOMETHING. So yeah, I cheated.  Ok i feel better.  I didn’t post yesterday because I completely passed out.  I was exhausted.

Yesterday I was given a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.  Yes, a box.  I put it under my desk.  All day at work it drove me crazy..the smell…And all it would have taken was one bite..but I didn’t do it, I didn’t cave in.  Let me tell you how HARD that was, especially since I can usually down 2-3 in one sitting.  Today, I walked by the box in my home…and I stopped, and I reached in, and I grabbed one, and I brought it to my lips.  Then I remembered that i’ve been doing this for 7 days, way to long to give up now.  So I put the donut down and walked away.  But I came back around, and once again grabbed the damn donut..and I put it down.  I was so proud of myself in that moment, because I didn’t cave, I didn’t give in, I didn’t eat it.  I really wanted to though.

I am at the halfway point, so i’m going to see how it goes.  Sunday is going to be especially hard because it’s Memorial Day and we are having a bbque at my parent’s house.  I already agreed that I would maybe eat 1 or 2 grilled shrimps. How bad can that be?  

Some people have told me that I look like i’ve lost weight.  I’ll take any compliment at this moment, because all I want to do it go back to my life.


Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 155.4

Goal weight: 130

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