Day 5 of 15 day Reboot

Today I wanted to quit…..

Today was my hardest day, and not because of the side effects (which ive had basically none by the way) but because it seems that our lives revolve around food and its so hard to quiet the cravings.  I kept asking myself “why am I doing this?” Why am i giving up all of my comfort foods, why am I giving up the things that I enjoy to eat, why am I giving up food?  Mind you, I am the kind of girl that has no problem eating a salad or a hamburger or a few slices of pizza.  I love to go out to eat once a week with my coworkers and enjoy my lunch.  I enjoy being able to eat some Cheezits or some pretzels, or how about my Special K cereal?

Today I wanted to quit…today took a lot of reminding myself that I am doing this to change the way I eat, lose weight, and just get healthier.  But today I wanted to quit.   I went shopping for my days 6-10 juices, and it wasn’t cheap…another reason I want to quit.  I went shopping and the store smelled of freshly baked cookies, literally, the ENTIRE FREAKIN STORE!  That didn’t make my shopping experience any easier.

So again, I am sitting here asking myself WHY and looking for some kind of sign that this is worth it.  Am I the only juicer who is experiencing these feelings???

Today I wanted to quit….BUT I DIDN’T!

2 thoughts on “Day 5 of 15 day Reboot

  1. I totally get that feeling. I have to just keep reminding myself that if this was easy everyone would do it… but most people won’t or can’t. Stick with it!

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