Day 4 of 15 day Reboot

Day 4 I officially hate you!  Today was officially the last day, following Joe’s 15 day reboot program (link below), which I had an actual meal.  Mind you, this meal was simply salad with olive oil and vinegar.  I normally don’t mind eating salads…but today for some reason, my salad totally sucked!  I actually looked forward to the juice more than the meal.

Today, I was hungry.  And by hungry I mean I wanted to eat everything I could think of: pizza, pasta, ice cream, hamburger, chicken, rice, beans, soda!  But I stuck to the plan.  However, when I got home and started preparing dinner for the fam, I CAVED!!!  Yes, I gave in to the hunger and made myself a small tortilla with chicken…and then the weirdest thing happened…I FELT SUPER GUILTY.  I also didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought and after two bites, tossed it.  My body was craving a juice instead of the chicken tortilla.  Yeah I know, it’s crazy.  I finished the day with my soup and my tea and prepared my meals for tomorrow…soups and juices.  So I am officially ready to start the next 10 days of my reboot and looking forward to it.

Im trying to figure out how to incorporate a workout into my daily routine, but honestly, by the time I finish my day, it’s about 930 or 10 at night and the last thing my mind is thinking about is working out, much less my body.  So thats something I will definitely have to work on in the upcoming days.  I also have to go shopping tomorrow for the next 5 days and the list isnt too bad this time.

Wish me luck! Stay tuned for more updates…


Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 157.8

Goal weight: 130


Plan here:

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