Day 3 of 15 day Reboot

Today started off as any other day…i had my morning hot water with lemon.  I wasn’t too happy with the Shamrock Smoothie…it was too tart for me.  The Green lemonade juice didn’t help either.  I made the Squash & Apple soup after breakfast to have it ready for lunch, but that didnt work out that well.  I kept trying to blend piping hot soup and my Ninja wasn’t too happy.  So i had to just let it cool down. I swapped the dinner menu of roasted acorn squash, and then had the soup for dinner.  Soup wasn’t too bad.  Much better than the Green Detox Soup thats on the menu tomorrow!

We had friends and my parents over for a bbq….Burgers, chicken, chips, beer….I couldnt have any of it and boy was I so ready to throw in the towel and just swallow a burger whole, without even chewing..following that with a half bag of Doritos and finishing it off with a nice cold Corona…BUT I DIDN’T…And it was hard, I am not going to lie.  What possessed me to start this reboot over a weekend was insane, i basically threw myself into the lions mouth of temptation.  But it was also a super duper test to my will power and determination.  I survived Day 3!!!

This has not been easy, it takes will power, it takes strength, and it just takes everything you have to toe the line.  Let’s see how I feel tomorrow.  Today I was just hungrier than usual, but that’s probably because of all the food in my freaking face!!

Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 158.4

Goal weight: 130

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