Day 2 of 15 day Reboot

So I survived Day 2, but it feels like its been a year!  Let me start off by telling you about today’s meals…The Raw Carrot Ginger soup was definitely not one of my favorites.  I could actually do without it!  I had the Kale avocado salad for lunch and this time I put a little more than 1 tbsp of the dressing.  It helped to get it down!  For dinner, the Roasted Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, garlic, and onions was delish!!  That is definitely a meal I would love to have more often.  The Green Detox soup wasn’t so bad either.

Today I took my daughter to her friends house to get into the pool.  I picked up McDonald’s on the way, and the smell of fries drove me nuts.  I couldve just had one, just one, and been the happiest person alive.  But I didn’t…I kept my resolve.  Then at her friends house, her mom brought out a cake..chocolate pecan swirl or something like that.  Wow, that was hard again!  I love cake, I love sweets, and I wanted a piece of that cake.  When i went to toss my daughters plate, it took all my will power not to lick the remaining frosting and crumbs. This is hard…

I have 13 more days to go and am looking for all the strength and resolve I have inside of me to make it.  I know this will change my life, I know that I will lose the weight…but damn what i wouldn’t give for a big ass plate of rice and beans with any  style of meat I about a nice steak, or oxtail, or ropa vieja, or chicken!!

Going to bed now and off to dream about food yet again…yes last night my dreams were of me eating.  Even my dreams are haunting me!!

Starting weight: 158.9

Todays morning weight: 158.6

Goal weight: 130

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